Prayer & Fasting 2022
Whether you have fasted before or this is your first time, here are some tips to help you out:
✔️ Adhere to all physician assigned dietary restrictions. Please do not hurt yourself.
✔️ Ultimately the strictest form of fasting is water only.
✔️ If you wish to do this, make sure to get plenty of water and sleep.
✔️ Pray! Fasting is not just giving up food.
✔️ Fasting is for prayer, reflection, confession and meditation of the Scriptures. Get alone with God and talk to Him.
Theme Verse for the Fast: Be Bold
📖 Psalm 23 (ESV) The LORD is my SHEPHERD.
📖 Bible Meditation: Psalm 23:1-2 The LORD is my Shepherd; I shall not want. He makes me lie down in green pastures. He leads me beside still waters.
🔹 Dinner Meditation: Identity in Christ.
2021 has shown man’s propensity to fear. Take time to pray for yourself, confess sins to God, and sit quietly before the Lord. Open the Scriptures to Psalm 23:1-2 and begin to read through prayerfully. Ask the Holy Spirit to open your heart, reveal the root of your fears and anxieties, and heal it from the wounds of the past or any present hurts you have. Ask that your inner person will be strengthened (not wounded) by these things. Repent of any disobedience or unbelief and fully submit your will to the Lord’s Shepherding. Ask the Lord to let you see the trials of 2021 as He does and to give you a fresh vision for 2022 so that you will be able to go forth with boldness and confidence and fully participate in all which God has in mind for His Church.
🔹 Morning Meditation: Trust and Obey
📖 Psalm 23:3-4a He restores my soul. He leads me in paths of righteousness for His name’s sake. Even though I walk through the valley of the shadow of death, I will fear no evil, for You are with me;
Read through Psalm 23:3-4a. Remember the word, “restore” means to “bring back”. Ask yourself and give God praise for the many ways He did this for you in 2021. Now take time to pray for the Lord to reveal and remove any present sin in your life. Ask the Holy Spirit to decrease your self-reliance and increase your trust in the Lord’s Shepherding and to give you the discipline and endurance to stand firm on the teachings of His Word so you might be fully obedient to His mission of bringing the hope of the Gospel to a lost and hurting world.
Pray for many sinners to be brought to repentance this year. Pray that God will open hearts through the preaching of His Word at our services.
(Don’t GIVE UP. Today will be “temptation” day. You can do this and you’re NOT ALONE. All of the Waters Church Locations will be open Monday from 6-7pm for those who would like a place for quiet reflection. Press on).
🔹 Lunch Meditation: Hope and Peace in the VALLEY
📖 Psalm 23:4 Even though I walk through the valley of the shadow of death, I will fear no evil, for You are with me; Your rod and Your staff, they comfort me.
Read through that verse slowly. Give praise to God for the “valley” experiences and ask for His strength to continue fearlessly through them with supernatural joy and peace so that you may have a testimony of His goodness that inspires others. Ask the Holy Spirit to pour down His strength and wisdom upon all of our Christian Leaders so they may rightly and confidently lead God’s people in accordance with His Word through these uncertain times.
Pray for our Life Groups and Leaders. Pray for increased community among our church members. We must not and cannot do life alone as Christians. Pray for true Christ-centered community to flourish in all our Groups. Pray for our Action and e-Fam groups. Pray for our leaders who guide these groups. Also pray the global Church to practice indivisible solidarity and love for one another.
🔹 Dinner Meditation: Holiness and Abundance.
📖 Psalm 23:5 You prepare a table before me in the presence of my enemies; You anoint my head with oil; my cup overflows.
Read through Psalm 23:5. Ask the Holy Spirit to help you increase your LOVE for and TIME with God’s Word. Pray that He will give you a longing for time in prayer as well. Pray for discernment to recognize spiritual warfare and reject the temptations of the evil one so you may walk in the Lord’s holiness. Ask the Lord for a daily anointing of the Holy Spirit on your life and the Body of Christ so we may live abundantly in His peace and harmony and graciously and generously serve one another.
Read through Romans 12:3-13. Consider prayerfully about your place at Waters Church and how (if) you serve. Ask God to help you bring more people along for the work of the Church. Pray for our Weekend experiences and the preaching of God’s Word in 2022. Pray for our Pastors and Teachers to be strengthened with wisdom for delivering God’s Word. Pray that they will have hearts and ears open to what the Holy Spirit would say. Pray for our Elders to give sound and Godly wisdom to those in our church.
🔹 Breakfast Meditation: Goodness and Mercy
📖 Psalm 23:6 Surely goodness and mercy shall follow me all the days of my life, and I shall dwell in the House of the LORD forever.
Read through Psalm 23:6. Praise God for His goodness and mercy. Ask the Holy Spirit to help us in turn to leave a legacy of goodness and mercy for those who have yet to come into the faith. Pray for the Lord to create in you a Christ-like attitude filled with love towards others ask for the Holy Spirit to bring a constant renewing of your mind so you may recognize Christ’s presence in your life.
Today we also focus on the reputation of our Church. I’m sure 2022 is going to challenge all of us in ways we did not expect. Pray that we may live assured of God’s goodness and mercy WHEN we face trouble so that we do not imitate the fear of our culture or the anxiety of our age. Pray that the testimony of every member at our church will bless and inspire those around us.
🔹 Lunch Meditation: Pray prayers of thankfulness and praise to the Lord for being an honored guest in His House and rejoice in His protection.
Re-read through Psalm 23:1-6. Take time to give God thanks for what He has shown you and done in you. Meditate on the Scriptures you read these past few days and ask God to open your heart to the Word. Pray for our Church to experience God’s presence and the ministry of the Holy Spirit at First Tuesday/Wednesday.
Pray for salvations across all campuses. Especially lift up our new location in Tiverton, RI/Fall River, MA. Pray also that our missions work in Providence, RI, Guatemala, and India, and that Peru will take shape and the Lord will lead us with wisdom into that great country.
🔹 Have a late Lunch or early Dinner and join us any time after 6pm for First Tuesday/Wednesday (see your local Location’s schedule) prayer with Worship at 7p.m.; Word at 7:30p.m. We will be celebrating the Lord’s Supper as well.
Notes Section:
Do you have a testimony to share?
Submit your testimony videos 🔗 https://waterschurch.org/submit