Really Big Week August 2024

Whether you have fasted before or this is your first time, here are some tips to help you out:

✔️ Adhere to all physician assigned dietary restrictions. Please do not hurt yourself.

✔️ Ultimately the strictest form of fasting is water only.

✔️ If you wish to do this, make sure to get plenty of water and sleep.

✔️ Pray! Fasting is not just giving up food.

✔️ Fasting is for prayer, reflection, confession and meditation of the Scriptures. Get alone with God and talk to Him.

Our August fasting and prayer campaign is centered on some key Psalms. These daily readings have been arranged to quicken and prepare your heart for the upcoming season. September is an unofficial “new year” of sorts, and this campaign is designed to empower Spiritual boldness and wisdom for the journey ahead as well as to pray for our church’s Really Big Things Campaign.

As you pray for yourself and your house, please keep the following church-wide endeavors in your prayers at each mealtime:

  1. New Waters Academy Opening September 2024
  2. Land for Apollo Beach Expansion
  3. Building for Woonsocket Location
  4. New Church Plant in South Carolina
  5. New Church Plant (beyond*)


🔗 Reading: Psalm 91

Reading through the Psalm, make note of all the promises God offers to those who dwell in His presence. Consider these next three days your “shelter” season for the upcoming school year. Life is filled with pitfalls and unexpected opposition, but the Most High is your safe harbor. Take time to seek the Lord for forgiveness in areas where you are weak in trusting Him. Ask that these next three days become breakthrough days for your future. Expect that your life will never be the same after this fasting campaign.

🔗 Psalm 91:9 (ESV) Because you have made the LORD your dwelling place— the Most High, who is my refuge— 10 no evil shall be allowed to befall you, no plague come near your tent. 11 For He will command His angels concerning you to guard you in all your ways.


🔗 Reading: Psalm 17

This Psalm is another prayer of David. In this prayer, we hear his cry for vindication from the Lord. At the same time, we see David seeking God’s internal work on his own heart. Sometimes, when we look at our lives, we measure everything by what happens to us instead of what God needs to do IN us. Take today to pray through Psalm 17 at each meal time, seeking Him for a pure heart, a heart that seeks Him, and a heart that grows in confidence surrounding our relationship with Him.

You have access to the presence of God through faith in Christ. Be bold in your prayers for this season.

🔗 Psalm 17:8–9 (ESV) Keep me as the apple of your eye; hide me in the shadow of your wings, 9 from the wicked who do me violence, my deadly enemies who surround me.

🔗 Psalm 17:15 (ESV) As for me, I shall behold your face in righteousness; when I awake, I shall be satisfied with your likeness.


🔗 Reading: Psalm 121

This Psalm would have been read as the Israelites made their way to Jerusalem for the three annual pilgrimage feasts every year. It’s part of the “Ascension Psalms” as the Jerusalem Temple was perched high on a hill and called God’s people UP from the normal realities of life to experience His power and goodness in fellowship with each other. The Psalm calls us together and toward God. This week, that’s our plan: to come together and toward the Lord.

Don’t forget we have a new option to prepare our hearts for Really Big Wednesday:

Tuesday Night from 6:30–7:30 pm, there will be a one-hour corporate worship and prayer with full bands in both the North Attleboro and Apollo Beach Locations.


🔗 Reading: Psalm 144

Tonight, we go to war. But we remember that the war is in the spiritual world all around us. Our fight is not against people but FOR people. For the people God has called us to reach with the Gospel. Our year ahead has opportunities and obstacles. Nothing will come easily, but when we fight, we will see the Lord’s provision. As you read this Psalm, take a moment to assess your fighting level. Is it higher now that you have fasted and prayed for three days? It sure is! You are encouraged to prayer walk your home/residence and ask for God’s victory and provision over every area, every family member, and every endeavor of faith in your home. We are more than conquerors!

Come expecting breakthrough and spiritual victory tonight at Really Big Wednesday.

  • Prayer 5:30 pm
  • Worship 6:30 pm
  • Communion and Word 7:00 pm

Notes Section:


Do you have a testimony to share from the fast? Let us know!

Submit your testimony videos 🔗